Kathie Saari
Advisory Board Member
Pastor Kathie Saari along with her husband Charlie are founders of Gates recovery Center in New Ipswich. Kathie is also the Executive director a Certified Recovery Coach, Christian Counselor and conference speaker who brings the Truth of Jesus and the Love of the Father to those struggling with addictions of all kinds. Kathie has been ministering for over 40 years and has a love for those whose hearts are broken and hurting. She calls them the Treasures of God.
Kathie serves on Governor Sununu’s Commission for Alcohol and Other Drugs in New Hampshire. Kathie is also one of the founding members for the “Good Samaritan Network” a recovery networking organization to equip the Church and communities for prevention, recovery, inner healing & after-care.
Kathie and her husband received their calling in the area of Recovery Ministries when their youngest son, struggled on and off with substances and alcohol for over 15 years. Through their struggle the Holy Spirit began teaching and equipping them on how to pray for their Prodigal Son until he returned home healed. It’s been over six years now.
Over the years they began uniting other parents of prodigals and shared what God taught them. Today Gates Recovery Center has many Recovery Coaches, and offers resources to families, advocation, peer coaching, and counseling to those struggling with addiction.
The Saari’s speak at churches and organizations throughout the USA and abroad sharing their recovery model: ”What Recovery Looks Like in the Church Today, Reaching the Harvest.” They both love sharing their story and bringing hope and the Father’s love to anyone who struggles and wants freedom, healing and wholeness through Jesus.
If you’d like to contact Charlie and Kathie about speaking at your organization or church please email: kathie@gatesrecoverycenter.org. www.gatesrecoverycenter.org or call 1-(603) 801-8125.